Career Corner - Applying for Cosmetic Dermatologic Surgery Fellowship

 Applying for Cosmetic Dermatologic Surgery Fellowship

Special thanks to Dr. Murad Alam for providing tips and guidance on the best way to prepare and apply for a cosmetics fellowship! Dr. Alam currently serves as the Vice-Chair of Dermatology and Chief of Cutaneous and Aesthetic Surgery at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine. He has also been elected American Academy of Dermatology president for 2026.

1. How can an applicant best demonstrate their interest in a cosmetic fellowship?

To demonstrate interest in a cosmetic fellowship, an applicant should reach out to the director of cosmetic dermatology at their residency program as early as they can in training.  This allows the director to take special interest in the potential applicant and work with them to develop their skills. There may be increased exposure to cosmetic procedures, opportunity to participate in related clinical research, and other enrichment opportunities like attendance at regional or national conferences or hands-on courses.  If a prospective applicant has already finished residency training and is now considering a cosmetic fellowship, they can reach out to individuals they know who have recently completed these fellowships and the ASDS to learn more. At present, there are about 30 openings a year around the country for the one-year ASDS-accredited Cosmetic Dermatologic Surgery fellowships. A handful of these are combined with Mohs fellowships.

2. Is research an important factor in applications?

Research, usually clinical research, is useful not only because it helps develop critical thinking skills, but also because it signals commitment and the ability to work hard to cosmetic fellowship program directors.  It is helpful to start early so that a project can be near completion by the start of the application cycle.  This also gives the applicant something to talk about at their interviews. Overall – while important – research is less important for many cosmetic program directors than the applicant’s clinical skills, ability to work well with patients and staff, and capacity for hard work.

3. What does the application cycle look like?

Applicants register with The SF Match in the late spring or early summer (i.e. end of 2nd year or the start of 3rd year of dermatology residency). Fortunately, there is no registration deadline per se, so registration is open all the way until the match itself, which this year is in early January 2025.  However, it is better to get your application together and register as early as possible.  This way, you are more likely to get the interviews you want as these can fill up later.


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