Message from the President
Dear WDS family, When I gave my speech at the annual meeting, my mission was to focus on creating opportunities for equity for women in leadership and life. Sharing my personal trials and tribulations, I envision us continuing to grow together, learning from, and supporting one another. A little over halfway through the year and I am proud to say that we started this important work. Recently partnering with the AAD, we invited all our sister societies to a think tank about women in leadership and opportunities for inclusivity and equity. The meeting was exciting, inspiring, and laid the groundwork for this important work. In the coming months we plan to bring opportunities for you to get involved in this work and to grow with us. On a personal note, I welcomed my little one, Olivia Sophia, and while the road to having her and the postpartum course were rocky to say the least, she is my own personal miracle. This reminds me that we need to celebrate one anoth...