WDS Career Corner: Things I Wish I Had Have Done Differently at My First Job

Things I Wish I Had Have Done Differently at My First Job


Advocate for yourself

- Don’t be afraid to be firm in your requests in contract negotiation, for instance a signing

bonus or payment structure.

- Make sure maternity leave or family leave policies are clear. Don’t be afraid to ask for

more time than what is originally offered.

- Be firm with your support staff regarding boundaries and tasks, which can be even more

challenging if you stayed where you completed residency.

- Maintain connections with mentors and groups like the WDS who may be able to provide

resources for practice management or avenues to hone or learn new skills to implement

in the clinic.

Consider the practical “nuts and bolts” of the job

- Review your clinic schedule templates with young physician colleagues before starting.

Build in “buffer slots” or longer visit times in the beginning to prevent yourself from falling

far behind in the clinic.

- Don’t overextend yourself with clinic hours. Administrative time is very valuable.

- Carve out time in your schedule to attend academic conferences if this is important to


- Try to keep appointment slots for skills that are important to you to maintain such as

surgeries, cosmetics, lasers.

- Take your vacation time and be sure to block off your schedule far in advance.

General Pearls

- Don’t be sorry or afraid to ask questions. Asking questions is a sign of intelligence and

should not be a source of insecurity.

- Be more assertive and voice your opinion.

- Do not feel the need to say “yes” to everything.

- Ask your staff for feedback and offer it in real-time.

- If there is something that is not working or you would like changed, address it as soon as



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