A Life Coach's Guide to Getting the Career Balance You Want

By Dr. Sara Dill, Dermatologist and Life Coach What is work-life balance? Do you have it? What’s your reaction when you hear that term? For so many physicians, including us dermatologists, there are very strong and often-negative reactions to the phrase “work-life balance.” What if defining work-life balance is actually pretty simple? I like to define work-life balance as simply creating a healthy balance between your working life and your personal life. Notice I said creating and not having or finding. Work-life balance doesn’t just HAPPEN to us. We don’t just FIND it one day. Right? What happens to us typically is the opposite: our work life takes over and our personal life shrinks to almost nothing. I first experienced encroachment of my work life into my personal life in medical school and then it continued in residency and in my first few years of work as an attending. Add in other personal responsibilities like children, family, community, etceter...