WDS Career Corner: Tips for Applying to a Pediatric Dermatology Fellowship

Special thanks to Michelle Oboite, current peds derm fellow at CHOP; Jennifer Mancuso, current peds derm fellow at UCSD, Dawn Eichenfield, current peds derm fellow at UCSD; Ingrid Polcari, Pediatric Dermatologist, University of Minnesota; and Jessica Sprague, Pediatric Dermatology Attending at UCSD 

Why do a pediatric dermatology fellowship?
  • If you want to stay in academics
  • If you want more training in pediatrics
  • If your institution didn’t have a lot of peds derm to begin with
  • If you plan to see a lot of pediatric patients in your practice
  • Pediatric dermatologists are in demand almost everywhere, particularly in academic institutions and large group practices, so it can be very marketable
  • Many peds dermatologists will also see adult patients, you don’t have to do 100% peds
  • Think about when you feel the most happy. If you feel the happiest in Pediatric Dermatology clinic, then maybe this is a career for you!

What should I do if I’m interested in a peds derm fellowship?
  • Talk to your own peds derm people early on
  • Get involved with the Society for Pediatric Dermatology (SPD) as soon as possible- they really support med students and residents in presenting research, being on committees, and getting mentorship.
  • Peds derm is a super small community and people are very collaborative so relationships are easy to form

When should I decide that I am applying for a peds derm fellowship?
  • You should know by the beginning of 2nd year that you are interested in doing peds derm fellowship, but if you don’t know until later, it is okay and you can still apply!

How do I choose a program?
  • Choose your fellowship the way you would choose roommates- make sure you choose mentors that you identify with and will be easy to work closely with for a year. Since many academic practices are hiring, you should also consider training in a city where you might like to work.
  • Try to get to know the fellowship program director at place where you want to do the fellowship
  • Research the strengths of the different programs: Different programs have different focuses (one place might do more procedures or clinical research)
  • Different programs have different personalities/styles. Talk to people at conferences or do a short rotations to get a feel for the place
  • Only apply to the places that you want to go

Is peds derm competitive?
  • Ordinarily, peds derm is not as competitive as other fellowship types.
  • Depending on year, there may be more applicants and it might become competitive
  • There are always open spots available and less applicants nationwide than number of spots, but if you want to be at a very specific, competitive program it may help to do an away rotation
  • You may be able to scramble into a open spot after Match Day (i.e. if you decide during your 3rd year that you want to do a fellowship)

When are applications due?
  • January is when the applications open (of 2nd year)
  • Interviews are usually done in late Winter. 2021 interviews will likely be virtual
  • Can often do interview during away rotation
  • Rank list due early August, Match day is late August

What to ask during peds derm fellowship interviews?
  • How many procedures will I be able to do (laser, excisions, OR time, etc)?
  • Will I get to do my own procedures or mostly shadow?
  • How much administrative time is there?
  • How do hospital consults work? How much call time is there?
  • What type of training will I get? Bread and butter peds derm vs. genodermatoses, using systemic medications, etc.


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