WDS Career Corner: Top 10 Things I Learned from the 2020 WDS Forum

By Shari Lipner, MD, PhD 

The WDS Forum took place January 31-February 2, 2020 in Scottsdale Arizona. The session started with a focus on finding joy in our work and our personal lives with the keynote lecture by Sandra Ellison: “Building Resilience: A Key to Unlocking Physician Health & Happiness.”

Other highlights included women’s health topics, including breast cancer screening, healthy aging, nutrition and supplements, and integrative medicine, an update on the International Journal of Women’s Dermatology, a poster session, and a service project. The session concluded with “30 Pearls in 30 minutes,” by WDS Board of Directors and leadership, as well as, an open-mic portion for participants.

There was a wealth of pearls including:
  1. Be thankful for what you have.
  2. Volunteer. Options include skin cancer screenings, WDS events, and AAD events.
  3. Action is the antidote to anxiety.
  4. Saying yes when you need to say no causes burnout.
  5. Make a list of things you don’t want to do – errands, chores, etc. and try to find someone to do these.
  6. We can’t control others’ behavior but we can control our response.
  7. Say no without apologizing.
  8. Make mistakes only once.
  9. Accept criticism the same way you accept compliments.
  10. Stay curious. 

For more tips, read the WDS Editorial Highlight “Pearls from the 2020 WDS Forum”

WDS Career Corner articles are developed by the Resident, Fellows, and Young Physicians Committee (RFYP) and published in the Quarterly YP News Brief. The RFYP committee represents the interests of young physician members of the Women’s Dermatologic Society through increasing membership and retention of young members, while also providing relevant resources; including career guidance, mentorship, and networking. Residents and Fellows receive free WDS membership. Learn more and become a member today!


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