By Dr. Sara Hylwa November begins the transition to the end of the year. Especially for those of us living in northern locales, this transition is felt not only by the march along the calendar, but viscerally as a change in the season: the verdant exuberance of summer has come to an end, even nature’s autumnal color display has succumbed to the inevitable and withered away. While this can feel bleak, November is the month that we celebrate Thanksgiving – a time for reflection, gathering, and (as the name implies), gratitude, gratefulness, and thankfulness. Gratitude can be a difficult emotion to conjure up. Many of us are burnt out – as are the colleagues and staff that we work alongside. All that has occurred in the last few years can be unnerving even just to think about. However, experts tell us that it is in times like these when emotions feel unbalanced that focusing on gratitude can be the most helpful. Indeed, while we don’t have to be thankful for everything that comes ou...