
Showing posts from October, 2022

Innovation in Dermatology: A Spotlight on Dr. Kachiu Lee and the Virtual Magic Wand Program

By Dr. Morgan Murphrey Would you describe yourself as “curious”? Many physicians would and in the field of dermatology - where we read the stories of the skin - curiosity is a fundamental component of our diagnostic and therapeutic success. It was Albert Einstein, who famously said, “I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious.”   I had the opportunity to talk with Dr. Kachiu Lee, a medical and cosmetic dermatologist in the Philadelphia area who trained at Northwestern and Massachusetts General Hospital, and currently serves on the WDS Board of Directors. She has clued into this curiosity, explaining that “physicians have always been curious”. A recent article in the American Journal of Medicine went so far as to assert curiosity as the driving force behind the progress of science. 1     Upon starting residency, Dr. Lee noticed that “there were so many frustrating problems that we ran into and just ignored---like removing tissue from a 2mm punch, p...