Fueling the Pipeline: Dermatology Mentorship for Underrepresented Minority Students
By Dr. Susan Massick Despite changing racial and ethnic demographics in the U.S. with African Americans composing 12.8% and Hispanics composing 16.3% of the U.S. population, African Americans represent only 3% and Hispanics 4.2% of all dermatologists (Pandya, Alexis, Berger, & Wintroub, 2016). Studies have shown that diversity among health care providers improves patient satisfaction with race-concordant visits showing greater patient satisfaction (Cooper, et al., 2003). Dermatology is the second LEAST diverse specialty in medicine, ranking behind only orthopedics in racial and ethnic diversity (Pandya, Alexis, Berger, & Wintroub, 2016). Moreover, lack of minority representation occurs in all aspects of dermatology, including faculty educators, resident trainees, and skin of color images in textbooks and publications. Where is the pipeline? Key action areas for enhancing diversity in dermatology include widening and fueling the ...