Social Media and Dermatology: A Relationship That Is More Than Skin Deep
By Dr. Shadi Damanpour Introduction Over three billion people worldwide are active users of social media, and patients are more readily utilizing it to obtain healthcare information. 1 Dermatologists have a large presence on social media, and it has become a useful platform to educate and communicate accurate information with the public. 1 Recent articles have also shown that social media activity is correlated with patient satisfaction and publication citations. 2,3,4 Therefore, there is increasing interest about how to best utilize social media in practice and which platforms to engage on. I have interviewed four WDS members and prominent social media influencers in dermatology to provide some insight and perspective on their goals, future directions, and everything in between. What are the goals of your social media presence as a dermatologist? Joyce Park (@teawithmd, When I created my blog as a medical student, I us...