Read and Recommend During Social Distancing

By Jennifer Sorrell, MD While these two books are at total opposite ends of the spectrum from each other, they are both fantastic reads. What do they share in common? Well, both were complete “stabs in the dark” when I picked them and both hooked me within just a few pages. The Tattooist of Auschwitz by Heather Morris It’s been awhile since I’ve read a book that has left such an impression on me. The Tattooist of Auschwitz is the true story of a young man’s surprising survival during one of the world’s most horrifying times in history. This book was both at times hard to put down and hard to read, but it was captivating. Lale Sokolov was Slovakian and was 16 years old when he entered Auschwitz. He was imprisoned there for more than 2.5 years and was a master of languages, which likely saved his life on several occasions. After narrowly escaping an early death from typhus, he was given the job of “Tatowierer”. He was responsible for tattooing the identification n...